Created and crafted by Zucchetti Centro Sistemi, a company dedicated to robot manufacturing, Ambrogio distinguishes itself through cutting-edge innovation, superior cutting capabilities, optimal performance, utilization of premium materials, Italian design and style, ecological friendliness, and user-centric features.

Ambrogio is designed to enhance your lawn’s quality and simplify your life, enabling time and cost savings. It precisely addresses mowing frequency and height requirements, ensuring your lawn stays impeccable year-round without the need for extensive time and effort in maintenance.


It requires no help or assistance; it operates according to programmed work intervals, alternating cutting cycles with recharging. Ambrogio always knows what to do: it can mow the entire lawn without missing any area; if it encounters an obstacle, it recognises and scans it; if it comes across thicker and higher grass, it activates specific functions to cut it. The robot avoids passing through areas that have already been mowed and when the battery is low, it autonomously looks for the charging station and prepares itself to perform another work cycle!!


The duration and the quality of a beautiful lawn depend mainly on the grass cutting and the frequency of which this is done. The more you cut the better your lawn looks, while the optimum height of the lawn is between 2.5 and 3.5 cm.

Frequency and height bring the following advantages:

  • Increased photosynthetic activity in the leaves
  • Increased stimulation of the growth of the roots
  • Increased coverage (leaf density) of the soil
  • Increased competition in respect of weed

The small grass clippings ensure optimal nutrition of the lawn; a constant “natural fertiliser” that increases resistance to disease, drought and insects! The result is a greener, lusher and eco-friendly lawn!!

A legend in your garden for over 15 years.

The duration and the quality of a beautiful lawn depend mainly on the grass cutting and the frequency of which this is done. The more you cut the better your lawn looks, while the optimum height of the lawn is between 2.5 and 3.5 cm.

Frequency and height bring the following advantages:

  • Increased photosynthetic activity in the leaves
  • Increased stimulation of the growth of the roots
  • Increased coverage (leaf density) of the soil
  • Increased competition in respect of weed

The small grass clippings ensure optimal nutrition of the lawn; a constant “natural fertiliser” that increases resistance to disease, drought and insects! The result is a greener, lusher and eco-friendly lawn!!

Frequently Asked Questions
The Robotech Australia Frequently Asked Questions. For product specific FAQ's please visit the respective product!
01Can Ambrogio operate in any weather condition, or are there limitations?

Most Ambrogio robot models are designed to handle various weather conditions; however, performance might vary in extreme conditions. It’s advisable to consult the specific model’s user manual for guidance on operating temperatures and weather conditions, such as heavy rain or intense heat.

02What are the ecological benefits of using an Ambrogio robot for lawn maintenance?

Ambrogio robots contribute to a healthier lawn by cutting grass frequently and at optimal heights, which enhances photosynthesis and root growth. The mulching effect of the cut grass acts as a natural fertilizer, improving resistance to drought, disease, and insects, thus promoting an eco-friendly lawn care solution.

03How often does Ambrogio need to recharge, and what does it do when its battery is low?

The battery life of an Ambrogio robot varies depending on the model and lawn size. When the battery level is low, the robot automatically returns to its charging station to recharge and then resumes mowing until the cycle is complete.

04What happens if Ambrogio encounters an obstacle or thick patch of grass?

Ambrogio robots are designed to recognize and navigate around obstacles independently. When encountering thicker or higher grass, the robot activates specific cutting functions to efficiently manage and maintain uniform lawn height.

05How does Ambrogio ensure complete coverage of the lawn without repeating areas?

Ambrogio robots are equipped with smart navigation systems that allow them to map your lawn and remember areas they have already mowed. This ensures that every part of the lawn gets cut without unnecessary repetition, saving time and energy.